Do lip fillers hurt?

Lip fillers do not cause considerable discomfort.

The lips are the most delicate and sensitive part of the face: the area is thin and relatively flat and can be easily bruised. As such, many people are weary about undergoing any type of procedure on their lips because they’re concerned about the possibility of pain or bruising. But do lip fillers actually hurt? The good news is that most injectable fillers cause very little discomfort for patients…

Read on to find out more about the treatment, the possible side-effects, and what you can do to take care of your lips after the procedure…

What are the side effects?

The most common side effects of lip filler are swelling and bruising. These side effects are, fortunately, temporary. In fact, they should resolve within just a few days. You may also experience some minor tenderness for a day or two following treatment.

Although rare, other possible side effects of lip fillers include delayed swelling and redness; infection at the site of treatment; and activation of herpes cold sores on the lips. Vascular occlusion, which refers to blockage of the blood vessels, can occur but this is extremely rare.

How can you manage the side effects?

It is likely that your lips will be swollen after your injectable treatment, and you might also experience some redness and/or bruising at the site of the injections. All these side effects are completely normal and are no cause for concern. To reduce swelling, bruising and any tenderness or discomfort that you feel, you may find it helpful to apply an ice pack to your lips.

It is also advisable that you avoid doing any strenuous activity for a day or two after your treatment. By elevating your heart rate, it is possible to exacerbate swelling and bruising. Light exercise like walking, however, is acceptable and encouraged.

Other ways in which you can minimise swelling and enjoy a smooth recovery include drinking plenty of water while your body heals; avoiding too much sodium, which can make swelling worse; and avoiding high temperatures in spaces like steam rooms and saunas. You may find it helpful to keep your head elevated while you sleep as this can also reduce swelling at the site of treatment.

When will you see the results?

The treatment itself only takes around 30 minutes to complete. You should be able to notice some of the effects of your treatment immediately. As the swelling subsides, your results will become even more apparent. Over the course of around four weeks, the filler will settle into your skin, and you will be able to see the final results. Your lips will look more symmetrical than before, and their volume and shape will be enhanced. Dermal fillers also fill out wrinkles, correct depressed scars and reshape the lips for a beautiful, natural appearance. These results can last up to a year, although it is important to note that everyone is different and the longevity of lip fillers will depend on a few factors, including your particular lifestyle and metabolism.

How can we help?

At Ada Aesthetic Medicine, we offer a range of treatments designed to improve the appearance of the facial features, including lip fillers. If you would like to maximise the appearance of your lips and achieve a balanced and voluminous shape, we encourage you to come in for a consultation to find out if the treatment is right for you.

When you come in and see us, both your consultation and injectable treatments will be performed by an experienced aesthetic physician. We work hard to ensure that all treatments are safe, and that our patients are satisfied with the results of their chosen procedure.

If you would like to find out more about the lip fillers that we offer at Ada Aesthetic Medicine, please have a look here.

To arrange a consultation, please get in touch with us here or give us a call on 02 9552 1442.

Make an Enquiry

The friendly team at āda aesthetic medicine looks forward to meeting you. Contact us today at one of our clinics or enquire online.

Glebe Practice

  • Phone 02 9552 1442
  • Address 88 Glebe Point Road, Glebe NSW 2037
  • Opening Hours
    Monday9:30am to 4:30pm
    Tuesday9:30am to 4:30pm
    Wednesday10:00am to 6:00pm
    Thursday9:30am to 4:30pm
    Friday9:30am to 4:30pm
    Saturday9:30am to 3:30pm

Our Glebe practice is easily accessible by train and bus. There is metered street parking available.

Wollongong Consult Room

  • Phone 1300 651 149
  • Address 332 Crown Street, Wollongong NSW 2500

Dr Peter Muzikants only travels to Wollongong twice a month and takes consultations there on Thursdays. If you'd like to request a consultation in Wollongong, please ensure you select the right location when enquiring.